I'm having trouble breathing. I sit on the medical bed naked from the waist up, weak, uncovered, defenseless.
The doctor, director of cytology, at the anti-cancer - oncologyhospitalAthens "biopsy, right there in front of me, several times. Again and again. Almost cruelly, as if it were my fault that I was there, he said to me critically: Cytological gropes me coldly, almost indifferently. The huge needles he holds hurt me, piercing my chest as deep as possible. He takes a sample of tissue and quickly gives it to the nurse to immediately perform the General Hospital "Saint Savvas" at Athens.
- Madam, don't you know you have cancer?
- Mamaaaaaa! I cried desperately looking for support. Just before my birthday. My mother was waiting outside and had literally dragged me to get tested. She was worried about the strange lumps in my breast, which kept growing and I was deliberately ignoring them.
- But I'm not sick! I insisted. I don't hurt, I don't feel anything!
The month of October has been instituted by the Hellenic Cancer Society as "Prevention Month & Breast Cancer Awareness".Cancer is a disease that we are afraid to name and yet we will all experience it in some way. Either ourselves or someone we love. does not calculate statistical age gender.
According to the International Report on Cancer presented in Geneva, Switzerland in April 2003 by IARC( International Agency for Research on Cancer), breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women, with approximately 1,000,000 new cases worldwide. It is one of the types of cancer that cause the most deaths annually, while it is estimated that 1 in 8 women worldwide will experience breast cancer at some point in their life.
Two genes, known as BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, have been identified as contributing factors to breast cancer. Thus, women with blood relatives who have been affected face an increased risk of breast cancer. According to ALMA ZOIS, it is estimated that every year in Greece 4,500 cases are reported about new cases,
When I realized that I had to fight for my life, it was a very difficult and strange moment. The third stage rapidly develops. The six months of life the doctor gave me are not enough. My children; They are so small. I am young. I have things to do.
My question that they asked about the next few days, was specific. If you had to lose any part of your body what would you choose? Arm, leg, eye, or chest?
- Oh my god, thank you! How lucky I was, like an Amazon warrior preparing for war. I cut the breast so that the quiver fits in the chest.
The next year of treatment I went through difficult times. Lumpectomy, removal of lymph nodes, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Pain, and exhaustion.
Until that moment I had lost all the battles of my life. But now I was determined. I would win the war. I want to live!
Until that moment I had lost all the battles of my life. But now I was determined. I would win the war. I want to live!
And when I said that I succeeded two years later, a total mastectomy and again from the beginning on the other breast. I fought a war with the disease, the drugs, my soul. I didn't need weak-minded, small, and cowardly people around me.
I have daughters who will need me! When that happens, I want to be by their side!
Several years later, our last hope is Memorial Sloan Cancer Center next to her, I took courage and felt proud when she told me: That I had survived and I was in New York. How weak I felt that I couldn't do anything to help my daughter, who was fighting a similar perhaps even more difficult battle. Kettering-
- Mom, I'm not afraid! I am like you, strong and I will win!
And I am proud that he won! God thank you!
Arvaniti – Prevezanou Eugenia
And there is continuity. . .
And where you are thanking GOD for your long-term good fortune, that he forgot you, knocks at your door again and again and again, ... REPUBLIC.
And now he has nothing to cut, as he has awakened within you, and rests on your broken ribs.
Time is too short and the situation is serious. And then you wonder if you should start the struggle from the beginning or wish for a GOOD ENDING.
And that's when I feel that cancer is boring. Really boring. Why did I forget it?
I take off my shoes and step on the ground barefoot.
Evgenia.GReek: SURVIVOR
Amazons: Mythical people of hunters and warriors descended from the god of war, Mars. Their name comes from the negative alpha (A) and the word as meaning chest because they mutilated or crushed their right breast to facilitate the handling of the bow.

With the small "mussoudi" in the arms. Agapi, the nine-year-old Yorkshire pocket terrier, has malignant tumors in the breasts. Eis so small (only one kilogram and 200 grams), that it cannot be operated on. All I can do for it is take it for many walks, hold it in my arms
and to give him affection and love
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